Cultivate the Climate that Attracts the Presence of God

“But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel” – Psalms 22:3 (KJV)

The aforementioned Scripture highlight the type of climate that needs to be cultivated to attract the presence of Jehovah God. The synonyms of inhabit are: reside, abide, live, occupy, populate, possess, and dwell, among others. We need God’s daily and constant presence in our lives as we navigate new beginnings, for praises facilitate unfettered access to God.

Establishing a healthy spiritual climate is one of the fundamental responsibilities of every believer. A climate of the Spirit’s presence should be the goal of every home. This climate, beloved, is not only a great asset in drawing souls to Christ, it is the ultimate environment in which souls grow to spiritual maturity and in which relationships thrive and flourish.

Anointed music can be used to cultivate an atmosphere for God’s presence. Using the biblical injunction, 2 Kings 3:15-16, the account is told that Prophet Elisha couldn’t force the Holy Spirit to come upon him, but he could bring himself into a place of worship through anointed music. Brethren, the Word of the Lord came to him as the musician played the instrument. When anointed music is played it clears the atmosphere of demonic activity and it produces a climate where one can hear from God and healing and deliverance can take place. 1 Samuel 16:23 (BBE) states “And whenever the evil spirit from God came on Saul, David took his instrument and made music: so new life came to Saul, and he got well, and the evil spirit went away from him”.

When we sing ‘praise songs’ to God and play worship music in our homes, we are cultivating the climate for his Shekinah Glory which means a visible manifestation of God’s presence on earth where we dwell. Prayers also bring the presence of the Holy Spirit. God has already ordained that the simple act of talking to Him and calling upon Him will dramatically increase the Spirit’s workings and manifestation. It is no coincidence that the initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit came on the heels of an intense prayer marathon – Acts 1:14 (KJV)

Let us be encouraged by the fact that unto us is given the incredible privilege of being recipients and carriers of the presence of God. Moses valued that Presence so much he told God, “If your presence does not go…, don’t make us go up from here” – Exodus 33:15 (HCSB). 


Heavenly Father, as we give prayer, worship, and the playing of anointed music their proper place in our lives, we pray that Your presence will be manifested, lives will be changed, relationships will be healed, and the Kingdom of God shall advance. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Read: Psalm 73:28; Acts 1:14; Hebrews 13:15-16

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 23:10-18; Galatians 6; Isaiah 49:8-26; Isaiah 50; Isaiah 51:1-16

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